Another successful Starry Starry Nite campout is all wrapped up. Bill and Ozzie of Mixed Bag were here with their new band, Spry, for an evening filled with music, dancing and laughter. Deb and Rudy put up their food tent providing burgers, hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches and wraps for the final time. They will now begin to enjoy their retirement in full and we wish the best for them both. Deb and Rudy have been a part of so many of our celebrations over the years that we will miss, not only their food, but their friendship as well.
Campers had a terrific time filling our little valley with laughter late into the night and early hours of the morning. For those of us who kept our eyes to the sky the Swift-Tuttle comet, associated with the Perseid meteor shower, did not disappoint and we were also treated with meteor sightings. Come Sunday morning everyone was ready for their coffee and Mary was up early to get it brewing and delivered to the picnic area by 8 am, followed shortly by her famous blackberry pancake, egg, and watermelon breakfast made with blackberries picked last week right here in the Dunn Forest vineyard.